About Me


Hello! My name is Lucas Serrano, I’m 23 years old, born and raised in Lincoln, Nebraska. I have been in the construction industry for over three years and have learned everything I know from my dad, an amazing hard-working immigrant from Mexico. He has been working in construction for over 15 years and works on high-end houses and mansions doing siding and decking just like I am doing with my Company. I decided to create something for myself using all the skills he taught me and I plan on making a big name for myself and my brand, focusing more on affordability while still maintaining that high-end style.

I have always had an interest in houses, I was actually going to school to be an architect when I started working part-time for my dad. I instantly fell in love with building things and making a vision come to life; seeing our customer’s faces when we finished the job and blowing them away with every project was such a great feeling for me so I decided to put a hold on school and work full time to learn as much as possible. I learned really quickly but there are still so many things I need and would love to learn.

The services I love to do are deck repairs and deck replacements, specifically using composite decking. I absolutely LOVE the look and end result and there is just SO much you can do to create a beautiful design with all the different color options.

Siding is another specialty of mine for that same reason. I love the various options and colors available and I also enjoy helping my clients figure out what exactly they want by offering ideas that I have seen in the past.

I also enjoy doing quick fixes and small repairs, it helps me stay on my feet and do different things throughout the day/week and also lets me meet and talk to different people a lot more.

I love helping people solve problems and I’m pretty good at solving them myself. I’m a perfectionist, just ask my dad I’m sure he’d tell you all about it. When it comes to my work I only accept the best, one thing I have seen many times while doing repairs on older houses is the cheap craftsmanship that some of these builders/contractors have done. There has been a hand full of times where I got second-hand embarrassment from trying to explain to a client that their problem is not a normal problem and could have, and SHOULD HAVE been completely avoided. I pride myself on producing a beautiful and lasting product for each and every one of my clients. I have many dreams, including building the best handyman company in Lincoln, NE. I hope to pass down my skills as my dad passed them down to me and train people I’ve never met to build a long-lasting connection with them. It’s a big goal and something I work hard for every day.

Overall I am very thankful to have learned and taken the time to learn the correct way to install siding, and repair decks, and many other home maintenance jobs. It is something I never thought I’d enjoy but ever since I started I’ve fallen in love with it. Working with my hands is a lot more fun for me and I love seeing finished products and solving people’s problems.

our mission

Here at Go2 Handyman & Decks, our mission is to combine value with excellence and give you something your family will love for years. We look to build many relationships and be the one you call when something breaks in your home, or when you just want something new to spice up your house. We will work with you to help provide you with whatever it is you are looking for, whether that be something beautiful and flashy, or something more subtle. Whatever it is you are looking for, we’ve got you covered.

get a free quote

We’ll prepare a proposal and work with you to make your vision come to life.